In 1921 we started delivering to customers using our own lorry and since then our fleet has grown. Over the years we have found that owning and running our own delivery vehicles means that we can be flexible and offer better customer service. Our 5 delivery depots make us ideally placed to cover England and Wales. Our overnight transhipments ensure stock can be moved between the depots and demands met across our customer base. Using our own drivers has huge advantages too; they get to know where you are and how you work, which helps to create a smooth delivery process.
We are now delivering to over 2,300 customers a range of over 9,600 products. We aim to provide over 99% stock availability and next-day delivery where possible, holding six months' of stock for reliable service provision to our customers.
We deliver as far south as Land’s End in the west to Margate in the east including the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey in between. We also deliver to the IOM.